How much do I save by using period underwear?


Choosing the right menstrual product not only plays a role in our comfort, but also in our wallet. More and more women are discovering the benefits of period underwear as an alternative to traditional pads and tampons. Let's look at how this choice can affect you financially in the long term.

💸 Period underwear:
Let's assume that a pack of 6 high-quality period underwear costs €120. (At my•mense, a pack of 6 costs just €89.90.) This underwear is designed to be used during a menstrual cycle. With a shelf life of 3 years, the purchase price for this period is €120.

💸 Pads & Tampons:
In contrast, conventional pads and tampons can cost around €5 - €10 per month, depending on the brand and quantity. This adds up over time. With an estimated average of 12 menstrual cycles per year, this amounts to €180 - €360 over 3 years.

💸 Price comparison:
By switching to period underwear, you could save between €60 and €240 over a 3-year period, depending on how much you spend on conventional products. This could mean that a one-time investment in period underwear could result in significant savings.

It is important to stress that these savings may vary from individual to individual, but even in the worst case scenario, period underwear is more cost-effective. The cost of conventional products, the number of underwear needed and personal preferences still play a role here. Nevertheless, this consideration illustrates how the conscious choice of a menstrual product can have a positive impact not only on our wallets, but also on our environment . Investing in period underwear could not only make financial sense, but could also contribute to a more sustainable approach to our health and our environment.

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